
We offer a full spectrum of legal services. We have a proven track record of success in rendering legal services to significant market players from different branches:

Our Law Firm

Królak i Wspólnicy is a law firm that heads a group of associates predominantly rendering specialist legal services to institutions and corporations. Our services consist of both standard legal advisory and specialised forms of cooperation tailored to individual Client needs and expectations.

Guarantee of Confidence

Lawyers designated to work on cases which require the observation of particular procedures, possess the appropriate qualifications and certificates of security giving them access to classified information. Moreover, we offer our clients solutions in protecting business secrets and support in preventing and combatting acts of unfair competition.


Królak i Wspólnicy Kancelaria Radców Prawnych i Adwokatów Spółka Komandytowa

Zwierzyniecka Str. 6, Apt. 136
00-719 Warszawa


Tel. +48 22 875 22 76