Copyright Law, Industrial Ownership Law, Personal Data Protection
We advise on how to protect utility designs, know-how, trade secrets, copyrights, proprietary rights relating to technology and intellectual property, and their transfer to other parties in the course of corporate transactions, de-mergers, mergers and acquisitions.
Our services include:
- representation in proceedings conducted by the Patent Office and the courts in relation to trademarks, service signs, industrial designs and patents,
- advisory in copyrights and neighbouring rights, and in regard of inventions (especially their patent protection), the protection of utility models, ,
- representation of clients in negotiations and disputes regarding infringements of intellectual and industrial property rights,
- advisory in the transfer of rights to trademarks and other commodity and business signs, utility models, patents, copyrights etc.
- management, rationalisation and auditing of intellectual and industrial rights,
- advisory in personal data protection and representation in proceedings before the General Inspector of Personal Data Protection,
- claims before courts for redress in the shape of corrections, apologies or payment of compensation in regard of matters governed by copyright, industrial ownership and data protection laws.